Tag Archives: rights

Texas Bill to Protect Religious Child Welfare Service Providers

On Monday, the Texas legislature passed HB 3859, a bill affording private child welfare service providers with religious liberty protections. Like with many religious freedom issues today, supporters and opponents once again fight over the extent to which state government may offer protections for the free exercise of religion (or, as it is commonly called–”play in the […]

“…But I Play One On TV.”

There’s an old cliché about the television star who becomes so deluded in his role he begins to believe he possesses the talents of his character in real life, and so the TV doctor attempts to stop a heart attack, the TV cop intervenes to stop a robbery, the TV lawyer advises friends on their […]

Judge Gorsuch on the Ninth Amendment: “I think it means what it says.”

Senator Sasse has never ceases to impress me – his impressive knowledge of law (despite not being a lawyer himself), his deep understanding and love for philosophy and political theory, or his principled resistance to partisanship are among the many reasons I hope this guy continues doing what he does. He’s done it again by […]