Tag Archives: senate judiciary committe

Senator Durbin, I Am a Proud Member of the Federalist Society. Here’s Why.

Here we go, again. Today, Senator Dick Durbin expressed his befuddlement, perhaps with underlying disdain, as to why an overwhelming majority of this administration’s judicial nominations have either currently or previously been members of the Federalist Society. Our Editor-in-Chief, Joel Nolette, previously covered Senator Durbin’s fear of the Federalist Society. Senator Durbin expressed his concern in […]

Judge Gorsuch on the Ninth Amendment: “I think it means what it says.”

Senator Sasse has never ceases to impress me – his impressive knowledge of law (despite not being a lawyer himself), his deep understanding and love for philosophy and political theory, or his principled resistance to partisanship are among the many reasons I hope this guy continues doing what he does. He’s done it again by […]